Tennis Mahoney #1 |

Introspection |

Julien and friend |

Hannah |

Young Man in Chiang Mai, Thailand |

Woman #2 in Chiang Mai, Thailand |

Helen on an Apache film set, White River, Arizona |

Rachel #1 |

Joni #1 |

Self portrait: father and son hands |

Cowgirls |

Woman in Chiang Mai, Thailand |

Family in Chiang Mai, Thailand |

Waiting on the Light (elders of the White Mountain Apache Tribe) |

Mary Mahoney |

Joni #2 |

Neck Deep in Leaves |

Kelly |

Man in Chiang Mai, Thailand |

Street Art, Takli, Thailand |

Image on the poster for 18th Annual Garden Party & Auction, Lou Grant Parent-Child Workshop (1995) |
NEXT Portrait Gallery